B206. M. Kafali, E. Rapti, A. Meretoudi, I. Koumentakou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Novel chitosan/PVA@hyaluronic acid and chitosan/PVA@hyaluronic acid/curcumin films for wound healing”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B205. T. Adamantidi, M.-A. Finos, A. Meretoudi, I. Koumentakou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterization of chitosan/PVA@starch and chitosan/PVA@carboxymethyl cellulose: Evaluation of ZnO modification and camphor loading for potential transdermal drug release applications”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B204. F. Papageorgiou, T. Markopoulos, I.A. Katsoyiannis, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Analysis of European wines before and after activated carbon treatment: Total, active and volatile acidity, free and total sulphite, total polyphenols, color intensity and shade”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B203. F. Papageorgiou, T. Markopoulos, I.A. Katsoyiannis, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “The use of activated carbons to remove heavy metals and N-phosphonomethyl)glycine from European wines”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B202. A. Karakotsou, K.N. Maroulas, R.I. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterization of reduced graphene oxide from pomegranate peels, banana peels, cotton wastes and corn leaves”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B201. P. Altantsidou, S. Stefanidou, K. Nikola, K.N. Maroulas, I. Koumentakou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Nanocomposites of chitosan-lignin doped with ZnO, TiO2, and Zn2SnO4 for food packaging with UV-blocking, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B200. O. Evangelou, E. Rapti, Z. Zannas, A. Meretoudi, R. Papi, I. Koumentakou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Vanillin cross-linked chitosan/PVA membranes loaded by dexpanthenol for skin tissue regeneration”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B199. I. Siadimas, S. Kavafaki, P. Efthymiopoulos, G. Maliaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, “3D-printed@activated carbon adsorbent materials for the removal of Diclofenac from aqueous solutions”, 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, Online, 04-06 December 2024.
B198. A. Rapti, K.N. Maroulas, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Biopolymer--graphene aerogel sorbent materials for extraction of b-blockers from aqueous environmental samples”, 2024 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA, 01-06 December 2024.
B197. I. Christodoulopoulos, K.N. Maroulas, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Koumentakou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Use of putrescine as doping agent in chitosan/magnetic graphene oxide composite materials: Synthesis, characterization and adsorption evaluation in the removal of pharmaceutical compound from synthetic wastewaters”, Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS Fall 24), Lausanne, Switzwerland, 12-15 November 2024.
B196. I. Christodoulopoulos, K.N. Maroulas, R.I. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis, characterization and sustainable adsorption properties of chitosan/magnetic graphene oxide@diethylenetriamine materials for the removal of naproxen from aqueous solutions”, Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS Fall 24), Lausanne, Switzwerland, 12-15 November 2024.
B195. D. Theologis, A.K. Tolkou, K.N. Maroulas, G.Z. Kyzas, I.A. Katsoyiannis, “Humic acid removal from aqueous solutions by using chitosan/curcumin/activated carbon derivatives”, 23rd Panhellenic Chemistry Conference, Athens, Greece, 25-28 September 2024.
B194. N. Malouchi, A.K. Tolkou, K.N. Maroulas, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/curcumin/activated carbon adsorbents for the removal of ibuprofen from wastewater”, 23rd Panhellenic Chemistry Conference, Athens, Greece, 25-28 September 2024.
B193. A.K. Tolkou, D. Theologis, K.N. Maroulas, P. Efthymiopoulos, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Thermodynamic evaluation of the humic acid removal from aqueous solutions by using chitosan/activated carbon derivatives”, 28th Thermodynamics Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 04-06 September 2024.
B192. K.N. Maroulas, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “How the enthalpy, free Gibbs energy and entropy affect the treatment of wastewaters: The case of the removal of Cr(VI) by chitosan/curcumin/activated carbon adsorbent”, 28th Thermodynamics Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 04-06 September 2024.
B191. R. Bikiaris, I. Koumentakou, D. Meimaroglou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Thermal properties of modified chitosan-based sponges with enhanced haemostatic properties for wound healing applications”, 18th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Madras, India, 02-07 September 2024.
B190. A.K. Tolkou, N. Malouchi, R.I. Kosheleva, P. Efthymiopoulos, K. Ladomenou, M. Chalaris, A.C. Mitropoulos, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Removal of Ibuprofen from wastewaters by aluminum modified hybrid porous activated carbon derived from coconut shells”, 14th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 August 2024.
B189. K.N. Maroulas, I. Christodoulopoulos, A.K. Tolkou, A.D. Meretoudi, S.L. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Diethylenetriamine/magnetic-graphene oxide and chitosan/magnetic-graphene oxide derivatives for the removal of fluoride ions from wastewaters”, 26th International Conference on Materials, Methods & Technologies, Burgas, Bulgaria, 15-18 August 2024.
B188. A.K. Tolkou, K.N. Maroulas, A.D. Meretoudi, S.L. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Novel chitosan/graphene oxide composites for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium and fluoride ions from wastewaters”, 5th International Conference on Recycling and Reuse (R&R2024): Low Carbon Economy and Sustainable Development, Istanbul, Turkey, 05-06 July 2024.
B187. R. Bikiaris, I. Koumentakou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/oxidized-dextran dressings containing inorganic additives for wound caring with enhanced hemostatic properties”, Biomaterials International 2024, Bangkok, Thailand, 30-04 July 2024.
B186. K.N. Maroulas, A.K. Tolkou, A.D. Meretoudi, S.L. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, F. Papageorgiou, A. Varoutoglou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Reduced graphene oxide/chitosan/starch/curcumin doped with ZnO for the removal of fluoride ions from wastewaters”, 14th edition of the Graphene and 2D Materials International Conference & Exhibition (Graphene2024), Madrid, Spain, 25-28 June 2024.
B185. A.D. Meretoudi, R.M. Papi, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/graphene oxide/vanillin@carboxymethyl cellulose for the adsorption of NSAIDs from wastewaters”, 85th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules - 11th Conference in Green Chemistry and Nanotechnologies in Polymeric Materials, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 June 2024.
B184. A.D. Meretoudi, K.N. Maroulas, S.L. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, D.A. Gkika, A. Varoutoglou, I. Moschou, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/graphene oxide/vanillin@TiO2 for the removal of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical compound (Diclofenac) from wastewaters”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Rhodes, Greece, 19-22 June 2024.
B183. A.D. Meretoudi, I. Kalampogias, K.N. Maroulas, S.L. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, D.A. Gkika, A. Varoutoglou, I. Moschou, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/graphene oxide@montmorillonite composites for the adsorption of dyes from wastewaters”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Rhodes, Greece, 19-22 June 2024.
B182. K.N. Maroulas, A.K. Tolkou, A.D. Meretoudi, S.L. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, D.A. Gkika, A. Varoutoglou, I. Moschou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Curcumin@MgO/graphene oxide nanoadsorbents for the removal of fluoride from wastewaters”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Rhodes, Greece, 19-22 June 2024.
B181. K.N. Maroulas, I. Christodoulopoulos, A. D. Meretoudi, S.L. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, D.A. Gkika, A. Varoutoglou, I. Moschou, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Putrescine/graphene oxide and chitosan/graphene oxide derivatives for the removal of paracetamol and ketoprofen from wastewaters”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Rhodes, Greece, 19-22 June 2024.
B180. I. Siadimas, S. Kavafaki, R.I. Kosheleva, P. Efthymiopoulos, G. Maliaris, G.Z. Kyzas, “3D-printed hybrid adsorbent monoliths for the removal of emerging organic contaminants from wastewaters”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Rhodes, Greece, 19-22 June 2024.
B179. S.L. Kouvalakidou, M. Tassopoulou, A.D. Meretoudi, K.N. Maroulas, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, D.A. Gkika, A. Varoutoglou, I. Moschou, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Modified graphene oxide/chitosan composites for the adsorption of Methylene blue and Reactive black 5 from dyeing mixtures”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Rhodes, Greece, 19-22 June 2024.
B178. S.L. Kouvalakidou, S. Marlagkoutsos, K.N. Maroulas, A.D. Meretoudi, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, D.A. Gkika, A. Varoutoglou, I. Moschou, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Novel magnetic chitosan/graphene oxide/activated carbon composite beads for the removal of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical compound (Diclofenac) from aqueous solutions”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Rhodes, Greece, 19-22 June 2024.
B177. K.N. Maroulas, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, I. Konstantinou, S. Ntougias, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, Graphene oxide derivatives doped with chitosan/activated carbon for the removal of heavy metals from wastewaters”, 11th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2024), Lefkada, Greece, 16-19 June 2024.
B176. K.N. Maroulas, A. Karakotsou, I. Koumentakou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Adsorption of pharmaceuticals from wastewaters using activated carbon from olive stones”, 13th International Colloids Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 09-12 June 2024.
B175. K.N. Maroulas, S. Ntougias, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of chitosan/graphene oxide/curcumin@metal oxides as adsorbents for the removal of Cr(VI) and As(III) from wastewaters”, 13th International Colloids Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 09-12 June 2024.
B174. A. Rapti, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Modified chitosan adsorbent materials for removal of b-blockers from aqueous samples”, International conference Polymers 2024—Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, Athens, Greece, 28-31 May 2024.
B173. I. Koumentakou, D.N. Bikiaris, G.Z. Kyzas, N. Nikolaidis, “Fabrication of chitosan microneedle patches for transdermal delivery of active ingredients”, International conference Polymers 2024—Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, Athens, Greece, 28-31 May 2024.
B172. D. Kalaronis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Examining the adsorption of a drug complex mixture on virgin and aged polypropylene microplastics in various water matrices”, International conference Polymers 2024—Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, Athens, Greece, 28-31 May 2024.
B171. R.D. Bikiaris, I. Koumentakou, M. Lazaridou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Zwitterionic functionalized chitosan with antibacterial property for hemostatic applications”, International conference Polymers 2024—Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, Athens, Greece, 28-31 May 2024.
B170. A.D. Meretoudi, K.N. Maroulas, A.K. Tolkou, S.L. Kouvalakidou, I. Koumentakou, R.I. Kosheleva, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/graphene oxide@k-carragenan composites for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium, trivalent arsenic and fluoride from wastewaters”, International conference Polymers 2024—Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, Athens, Greece, 28-31 May 2024.
B169. R.D. Bikiaris, I. Koumentakou, D. Meimaroglou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Haemostatic dressings based on chitosan loaded with poly(butylene succinate) nanoparticles and heparin with improved antibacterial activity”, 39th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 19-23 May 2024.
B168. K.N. Maroulas, A.D. Meretoudi, A.K. Tolkou, S.L. Kouvalakidou, I. Koumentakou, R.I. Kosheleva, I. Georgiou, F. Papageorgiou, A. Varoutoglou, P. Efthymiopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/graphene oxide@SiO2 nanoadsorbents for the removal of Cr(VI) from wastewaters”, 17th International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies (CONECT 2024), Riga, Latvia, 15-17 May 2024.
B167. K. Ladomenou, C. Kampouri, G. Maliaris, G.Z. Kyzas, “Novel photocatalytic materials for dye degradation using adsorbed porphyrins on 3D printed structures”, 2024 #RSCPoster Conference, 05-06 March 2024.
B166. K.N. Maroulas, A.K. Tolkou, P. Efthymiopoulos, K. Ladomenou, Z.S. Metaxa, M. Chalaris, A.C. Mitropoulos, S. Ntougias, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan/curcumin/activated carbon nanoadsorbents for the removal of hexavalent chromium from wastewaters”, intelWATT Workshop on European leadership in action: Enabling technologies to boost freshwater preservation, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 22-23 February 2024.
B165. I. Siadimas, S. Kavafaki, R.I. Kosheleva, P. Efthymiopoulos, G. Maliaris, G.Z. Kyzas, “Additively manufactured hydrophobic adsorbents for wastewater treatment”, intelWATT Workshop on European leadership in action: Enabling technologies to boost freshwater preservation, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 22-23 February 2024.
B164. A.P.D. Baltrocchi, L. Maggi, A.K. Tolkou, A. Karaeva, G.Z. Kyzas, “Arsenic(III) removal from water by the synergistic action of graphene oxide (GO) and granular ferric hydroxide (GFH)”, 1st International Conference on Circularity, Sustainability and Resilience in Water, Wastewater and Sludge Management, Varese, Italy, 11-13 February 2024.
B163. A.K. Tolkou, E.K. Tsoutsa, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Removal of dyes from wastewaters by adsorption on natural adsorbents: Banana, orange and pomegranate peels”, 1st International Conference on Circularity, Sustainability and Resilience in Water, Wastewater and Sludge Management, Varese, Italy, 11-13 February 2024.
B162. C.K. Pappa, R.I. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Enhancing micellar facial water efficiency: The impact of nanobubbles on skin cleansing”, 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 November 2023.
B161. C.K. Pappa, R.I. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Harnessing oxygen nanobubbles for improved niacinamide penetration in facial gel formulations: A promising approach for skin health”, 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 November 2023.
B160. S. Chatzimichailidou, I. Katsoyiannis N. Loukoutos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis, characterization and application of Fe-oxides/rice husk composites on arsenic removal from ground waters”, 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 November 2023.
B159. D. Kalaronis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Adsorption of three common drugs onto PET microplastics in aqueous matrices”, 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 November 2023.
B158. K.N. Maroulas, D.G. Trikkaliotis, Z. Metaxa, R.I. Kosheleva. A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Hydrophobic polysaccharide/graphene-based materials to clean water from oils”, 19th International Conference on Polysaccharides-Glycoscience, Prague, Czech Republic, 08-10 November 2023.
B157. A. Karaeva, L. Ivascu, A.K. Tolkou, G.Z. Kyzas, R. Giurea, “Reducing the negative impact on atmospheric air: an overview of economic and administrative and legal tools”, 11th Edition of the International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety, Bucharest, Romania, 18 October 2023.
B156. A. Karaeva, A.K. Tolkou, G.Z. Kyzas, M. Pîslaru, “Determination of the components of sustainable management for energy enterprises”, 17th International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Engineering (INTER-ENG 2023), Târgu Mureș, Romania, 05-06 October 2023.
B155. R.D. Bikiaris, I. Koumentakou, D. Meimaroglou, G.Z. Kyzas, "Synthesis and characterization of poly(butylene succinate) nanoparticles loaded with heparin for hemostatic applications", 6th Synposium of Skin and Formulation, Nantes, France, 02-03 October 2023.
B154. A. Rapti, K.N. Maroulas, D.G. Trikkaliotis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lmabropoulou, “Graphene aergoels as new promising adsorbent materials for the sorption of β-blockers: kinetics, isotherms and thermodynamic studies”, 26th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Osaka, Japan, 30-04 Aug 2023.
B153. D.A. Lambropoulou, N. Malesic-Eleftheriadou, D.G. Trikkaliotis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, “Low-cost reduced graphene biosorbents for pharmaceutical removal: isotherm, kinetics and thermodynamic studies”, 26th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Osaka, Japan, 30-04 Aug 2023.
B152. D. Kalaronis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Sorption of three common anti-inflammatories and antihypertensive drugs on PP microplastics in freshwater systems”, 8th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS23), Patras, Greece, 24-29 July 2023.
B151. A.K. Tolkou, I. Georgiou, D.G. Trikkaliotis, E. Gkrilla, E.K. Tsoutsa, R.I. Kosheleva, I.A. Katsoyiannis, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Sustainable use of fruit peels for simultaneous dyes removal from wastewaters”, 8th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS23), Patras, Greece, 24-29 July 2023.
B150. R.I. Kosheleva, D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.K. Tolkou, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Prevention of membrane fouling by using bulk nanobubbles: Leachates simulations”, 8th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS23), Patras, Greece, 24-29 July 2023.
B149. R.I. Kosheleva, D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.K. Tolkou, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “How to defoul modified membranes by using nanobubbles”, 8th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS23), Patras, Greece, 24-29 July 2023.
B148. G.Z. Kyzas, “Alternative super-adsorbents and selective materials in wastewater treatment”, 8th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS23), Patras, Greece, 24-29 July 2023.
B147. A.K. Tolkou, G.Z. Kyzas, "Removal of reactive dye from wastewaters by adsorption onto aluminium modified activated carbon", 16th International Conference on Materials Chemistry, Dublin, Ireland, 03-06 July 2023.
B146. D.G. Trikkaliotis, P. Parthenidis, E. Evgenidou, A.C. Mitropoulos, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, "Graphene-based@metal oxides photocatalysts for (waste)water treatment: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of pharmaceuticals photodegradation", 13th edition of the Graphene and 2D Materials International Conference & Exhibition (Graphene2023), Manchester, UK, 27-30 June 2023.
B145. A.K. Tolkou, E. Tsoutsa, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Removal of reactive dye from wastewaters by adsorption onto aluminium modified activated carbon”, 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Chania, Greece, 21-24 June 2023.
B143. E. Evgenidou, N.-M. Ainali, A. Rapti, R. Bikiaris, D. Gkika, V. Tsekeridis, G.Z. Kyzas, D. Lambropoulou, “Magnetic-nanocomposite-TiO2 immobilized poly(ethylene terephthalate) beads as photocatalysts for removal of antidepressants under UV irradiation at pilot plant scale”, 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Venice, Italy, 11-15 June 2023.
B143. D. Kalaronis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Sorption behavior of antibiotics on virgin and aged PLA and PET microplastics in aqueous matrices”, 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Venice, Italy, 11-15 June 2023.
B142. N. Malesic-Eleftheriadou, N.-M. Ainali, G.Z. Kyzas, E. Evgenidou, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Enhanced adsorption capacity of bio-based chitosan hydrogels for removal of pharmaceuticals in multicomponent mixture”, 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Venice, Italy, 11-15 June 2023
B141. P. Parthenidis, D. Trikkaliotis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Photocatalytic degradation of the antidepressant drug Venlafaxine using reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/Semiconductor nanocomposites: Kinetics, identification of transformation products, in silico toxicity”, 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Venice, Italy, 11-15 June 2023.
B140. A.K. Tolkou, E. Tsoutsa, D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.C. Mitropoulos, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, "Dye removal from wastewaters using orange, banana and pomegranate peels as natural adsorbents", 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Envirionment, Venice, Italy, 11-15 June 2023.
B139. K. Ladomenou, G. Landrou, G.Z. Kyzas, A.G. Coutsolelos, “Carbon dots for efficient photocatalytic H2 production and CO2 reduction in aqueous media”, 16th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry, Ioannina, Greece, 11-14 June 2023.
B138. D.G. Trikkaliotis, K. Ladomenou, D.A. Lambropoulou, J. Nuñez, I. Tranca, P. Quaino, F. Tielens, A.G. Coutsolelos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and study of modified graphene-based photocatalysts after modification of TiO2 and IrO6 as efficient photocatalysts for H2 evolution and CO2 reduction”, 16th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry, Ioannina, Greece, 11-14 June 2023.
B137. P. Efthymiopoulos, V. Iliadou, A. Zamboulis, N.D. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, G. Maliaris, G.Z. Kyzas, “Reactive dye removal from aqueous solutions by poly(ε-caprolactone)-co-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) adsorbent”, Baltic Chemistry Conference, Gdansk, Poland, 27-28 May 2023.
B136. K.N. Maroulas, D.G. Trikkaliotis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Novel chitosan-based aerogels for oil absorption”, Baltic Chemistry Conference, Gdansk, Poland, 27-28 May 2023.
B135. A. Bekaliyev, D.G. Trikkaliotis, S. Poulopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Graphene-based photocatalysts for water treatment from pharmaceuticals”, Baltic Chemistry Conference, Gdansk, Poland, 27-28 May 2023.
B134. D.G. Trikkaliotis, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, "How to synthesize green graphene films for the removal of Ibuprofen anti-inflammatory drug from water", 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, Germany, 22-24 May 2023.
B133. D.G. Trikkaliotis, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, "Green synthesis of graphene@chitosan beads with nanobubbles: Application in adsorption process", 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, Germany, 22-24 May 2023.
B132. A.K. Tolkou, D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, "Combination of graphene oxide and granular ferric hydroxide at the optimum dosage ratio for arsenic(III) removal", 1st Mediterranean Conference on Porous Materials, Rethymnon, Greece, 17-19 May 2023.
B131. M. Neratzaki, D.G. Trikkaliotis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterization of chitosan films modified with poly(vinyl alcohol) and graphene”, 14th Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering” Conference, Paris, France, 23-27 April 2023.
B130. K. Damiandiou. G.Z. Kyzas, “Modern, asynchronous distance and live teaching of chemistry at high school with innovative approaches”, 4th Panhellenic Conference in Didactics of Science with Modern Technologies, Kavala, Greece, 31-02 April 2023.
B129. K.N. Maroulas, D.G. Trikkaliotis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterisation of graphene based-polymeric aerogels”, WIRE’s MC Meeting and 2nd WGs Workshop “Waste biorefinery technologies for accelerating sustainable energy processes”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29-30 March 2023.
B128. A. Varoutoglou, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, "Energy-effective decontamination of diclofenac in pharmaceutical effluents with nanobubbles technology", 2nd Global Summit on Power and Energy Engineering (GSPEE2023), Rome, Italy, 20-22 March 2023.
B127. N.D. Bikiaris, D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.S. Rapti, G.Z. Kyzas, E.N. Evgenidou, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Exploring the decomposition of Propranolol via photocatalysis process using titania-graphene nanocomposites”, 5th Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Cusco, Peru, 07-11 November 2022.
B126. D.A. Gkika, N. Malesic-Eleftheriadou, E. Evgenidou, M. Lazaridou, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan-modified polymeric material for wastewater treatment”, 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belrgade, Serbia, 26-30 September 2022.
B125. A.K. Tolkou, S. Trikalioti, O. Makrogianni, M. Xanthopoulou, I. Georgiou, E.A. Deliyanni, G.Z. Kyzas, I.A. Katsoyiannis, “Lanthanum modified activated carbon for chromium(VI) removal from water”, 28th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society, Portoroz-Portorose, Slovenia, 21-23 September 2022.
B124. E.P. Favvas, A.A. Sapalidis, D.S. Karousos, E. Patounas, G.Z. Kyzas, V. Koutsos, A.C. Mitropoulos, “A new hydrodynamic generator for bulk nanobubbles production; characterization and evaluation of properties and applications”, International Conference on Nanobubbles, Nanodroplets and their Applications, Magdeburg, Germany, 19-21 September 2022.
B123. I. Katsoyiannis, S. Chatzimichailidou, M. Kostoglou, G.Z. Kyzas, D. Giannakoudakis, K. Triantafyllidis, “Oxidation and removal of As(III) and organic contaminants from wastewaters and groundwaters using nano-modified biochar”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 05-09 September 2022.
B122. E. Evgenidou, P. Pavlidis, E. Ioannidou, D.G. Trikkaliotis, C. Nannou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Photocatalytic degradation of Ceftazidime in wastewaters and landfill leachate using manganese oxides supported on TiO2-graphene nanocomposite catalysts”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 05-09 September 2022.
B121. D.G. Trikkaliotis, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Versatile synthesis of graphene materials for the removal of copper ions from aqueous solutions”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 05-09 September 2022.
B120. R. Kosheleva, A. Foundas, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Nanobubbles: The effect of time on their size and concentration”, International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (NANOMAT2022), Bratislava, Slovakia, 05-07 September 2022.
B119. G.Z. Kyzas, “Application of graphene in environmental applications: The case of adsorption process”, International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (NANOMAT2022), Bratislava, Slovakia, 05-07 September 2022.
B118. G. Kastrinaki, M. Kalogianni, D.C. Bobori, D. Xanthopoulou, G. Malioufa, I. Sampsonidis, S. Kalogiannis, K. Feidantsis, A. Dimitriadi, G. Koumoundouros, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, D. N. Bikiaris, “High resolution characterization of microplastics in zebrafish tissues - In vivo toxicity study”, 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), Athens, Greece, 04-09 September 2022.
B117. G.Z. Kyzas, “Effective materials in wastewater treatment: Low cost-, selective-, super- and nano- adsorbent materials”, Advanced Energy Materials and Technology Congress, Stockholm, Sweeden, 28-31 August 2022.
B116. G.Z. Kyzas, “Chitosan-modified polymeric material for wastewater treatment”, ETCC2022 European Technical Coatings Congress, Krakow, Poland, 12-14 July 2022.
B115. D.G.Trikkaliotis, E. Calicat, A. Mansour, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis, characterization and adsorption evaluatrion of modified graphene adsorbents films for the removal of drugs from aqueous solutions”, 7th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS22), Patras, Greece, 11-24 July 2022.
B114. A. Varoutoglou, R.I. Kosheleva, S. Kouvalakidou, E. Evgenidou, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Nanobubbles for the decontamination of pharmaceutical wastewaters”, 7th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS22), Patras, Greece, 11-24 July 2022.
B113. A. Varoutoglou, S. Kouvalakidou, R.I. Kosheleva, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Decolorization of dyeing effluents by using oxidation with nanobubbles”, 7th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS22), Patras, Greece, 11-24 July 2022.
B112. G.Z. Kyzas, “Alternative super-adsorbents and selective materials in wastewater treatment”, 7th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS22), Patras, Greece, 11-24 July 2022.
B111. D. Kalaronis, N.-M. Ainali, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Microscopic techniques for microplastic detection extracted from sandy beaches”, 8th National Conference of Metrology (Metrology 2022), Thessaloniki, Greece, 01-02 July 2022.
B110. K. Anagnostopoulou, C. Nannou, N.-M. Ainali, D. Kalaronis E. Evgenidou, A. Christodoulou, I. Lioumbas, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Development and application of a multiresidue method for the identification and quantitation of pharmaceutically active substances in wastewaters by means of high-resolution mass spectrometry”, 8th National Conference of Metrology (Metrology 2022), Thessaloniki, Greece, 01-02 July 2022.
B109. A. Varoutoglou, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitorpoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Cleaning of dyeing synthetic wastewaters with nanobubbles”, 9th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng2022), Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-30 June 2022.
B108. D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.C. Mitropoulos, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Copper ions removal from wastewaters with polymeric adsorbent materials”, EPF European Polymer Congress, Prague, Czech, 26-01 July 2022.
B107. E. Christodoulou, E. Karamfyllidou, G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, Z.S. Metaxa, “Carbon based nanomaterials from food waste as reinforcement in cement-based materials”, 23rd European Conference on Fracture, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 25-01 July 2022.
B106. N. Malesic-Eleftheriadou, D.G. Trikkaliotis, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D. Lambropoulou, “Implementation of new bio-based chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol/graphene oxide derivatives for disposal of pharmaceutical mixtures from an aqueous matrix”, 11th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants, Ioannina, Greece, 23-26 June 2022.
B105. D. Kalaronis, N.-M. Ainali, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Identification and quantification of microplastics in wastewater samples collected from wastewater treatment plant of Thessaloniki”, 11th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants, Ioannina, Greece, 23-26 June 2022.
B104. A. Theodoropoulou, D.G. Trikkaliotis, D.A. Gkika, A. Varoutoglou, M. Pitou, R. Papi, T. Choli, S. Zografou, N. Vordos, G. Malairis, A. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Toxicity and anti-microbial beahvior of reduced graphene oxide films: A biochemical aproach for potential enviromental applications”, 11th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants, Ioannina, Greece, 23-26 June 2022.
B103. D.G. Trikkaliotis, D.A. Gkika, A. Mansour, E. Calicat, E. Apostolodiou, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Graphene oxide film adsorbents for the removal of pharmaceuticals from wasteswaters: A cost analysis approach”, 11th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants, Ioannina, Greece, 23-26 June 2022.
B102. A.K. Tolkou, I. Georgiou, M. Xanthopoulou, O. Makrogianni, D.G. Trikkaliotis, D.A. Lambropoulou, I. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “La/Mg/Si@Activated carbons for the removal of As(III) from water”, 11th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants, Ioannina, Greece, 23-26 June 2022.
B101. S. Kouvalakidou, E.V. Liakos, M. Lazaridou, I. Georgiou, N.D. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Ampholytic chitosan derivative for the removal of basic and reactive dye from aqueous solutions”, 11th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants, Ioannina, Greece, 23-26 June 2022.
B100. O.-O. Makrogianni, S. Trikalioti, I. Lazaridis, A.K. Tolkou, I.A. Katsoyiannis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Magnesium oxide modified activated carbon derived from coconut shells for fluoride adsorption”, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Corfu, Greece, 15-18 June 2022.
B99. D. Kalaronis, N.-M. Ainali, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Determination of microplastics in autumn effluent samples of Thessaloniki wastewater treantment plant”, Microplastics Workshop 2022, Athens, Greece, 13-17 June 2022.
B98. D.C. Bobori, A. Dimitriadi, K. Feidantsis, A. Samiotaki, D. Fafouti, I. Sampsonidis, S. Kalogiannis, G. Kastrinaki, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, G. Koumoundouros, D.N. Bikiaris, M. Kaloyianni. “Toxic effects of polyethylene-microplastics on freshwater fish species: Implications for human health”, 1st International Conference of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-29 May 2022.
B97. D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.C. Mitropoulos, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Alternative synthesis of reduced graphene oxide”, 5th International Conference on Applied Surface Science, Palma, Malliorca, Spain, 25-28 April 2022.
B96. D. Kalaronis, N.-M. Ainali, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Study of the effect of Daphnia Manga under the presence of nanoplastics biodegradable polymers and sorbed pharmaceutical compounds”, 5th Chemistry Conference of PostGraduate and UnderGraduate students of Aristole University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 02-03 April 2022.
B95. N. Malesic-Eleftheriadou, E.V. Liakos, G.Z. Kyzas, E. Evgenidou, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Activated carbons derived from low-cost biomass (orange peels) for the removal of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from aqueous”, Global Summit on Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (NANOMAT22), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 23-25 March 2022.
B94. G. Savvopoulos, A. Thysiadou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “The case of microplastics pollution in Kavala port, Greece”, International Conference on Planning, Challenges of Disaster Management and Resilience, Athens, Greece, 11-13 February 2022.
B93. F. Papageorgiou, M. Chalaris, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Protection of wines from high concentrations of heavy metals”, International Conference on Planning, Challenges of Disaster Management and Resilience, Athens, Greece, 11-13 February 2022.
B92. D. Kalaronis, N.-M. Ainali, D.A. Lambropoulou, E. Evgenidou, D.N. Bikiaris, G.Z. Kyzas, M. Papageorgiou, A. Christodoulou, I. Lioumbas, "Occurrence of microplastics in wastewater treatment plant in the city of Thessaloniki", 13th Hellenic Polymer Society International Conference, Athens, Greece, 12-16 December 2021.
B91. V. Iliadou, P. Efthymiopoulos, A. Zamboulis, N.D. Bikiaris, G. Maliaris, G.Z. Kyzas, "Poly(ε-caprolactone)-co-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) for the removal of Methylene blue from aqueous solutions", 13th Hellenic Polymer Society International Conference, Athens, Greece, 12-16 December 2021.
B90. G.Z. Kyzas, “Graphene-based materials for wastewater treatment”, Smart NanoMaterials 2021, Paris, France, 07-10 December 2021.
B89. D. Kalaronis, N.-M. Ainali, D.A. Lambropoulou, E. Evgenidou, D.N. Bikiaris, G.Z. Kyzas, M. Papageorgiou, A. Christodoulou, I. Lioumbas, “Occurrence of microplastics in wastewater treatment plant in the city of Thessaloniki”, 12th International Conference on "Instrumental Methods of Analysis", Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-23 September 2021.
B88. G.Z. Kyzas, E.V. Liakos, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Adsorption of pharmaceutical compound from wastewaters onto activated carbon produced from biomass”, 35th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), Athens, Greece, 05-10 September 2021.
B87. K. Vasilopoulou, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Photocatalytic degradation of the antiviral drug Abacavir using titania-graphene nanocomposites in landfill leachate”, 7th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management “Crete 2021”, Chania, Greece, 27-30 July 2021.
B86. R.I. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, N.C. Kokkinos, A.C. Mitropoulos, “The potential of activated carbon from tea tree sawdust in efficient diesel oil removal”, 6th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS21), Patras, Greece, 26-31 July 2021.
B85. E.V. Liakos, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Removal of pharmaceutical compound from wastewaters with adsorption onto activated carbons produced from orange peels, sucrose, tea stalks and kiwi peels”, 6th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS21), Patras, Greece, 26-31 July 2021.
B84. S. Kouvalakidou, A. Varoutoglou, G. Bomis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Adsorption of Methylene blue from aqueous solutions by activated carbon in tubes: The effect of rotation in batch process”, 6th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS21), Patras, Greece, 26-31 July 2021.
B83. G.Z. Kyzas, “Alternative super-adsorbents and selective materials in wastewater treatment”, 6th Distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management; (WWSS21), Patras, Greece, 26-31 July 2021.
B82. N. Malesic, E. Ioannidou, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D. Bikiaris, D. Lambropoulou, “Photocatalytic performance assessment of graphene oxide-titanium dioxide (GO-TiO2) nanocomposites for the treatment of landfill leachate under simulated solar irradiation”, 8th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2021), Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-24 July 2021.
B81. G.Z. Kyzas, “Transition metal oxide for self cleaning application”, 2nd International Summits and Conference on Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Bio-Manufacturing (ISCNMB 2021), Sepang, Malaysia, 25-28 May 2021.
B80. M. Pahoulis, A.A. Sapalidis, E.P. Kouvelos, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, E.P. Favvas, “Study of Cu2+ and dyes removal by palygorskite in batch and continuous flow processes”, International Conference on Water and Energy ICWE’21, Chlef, Algeria, 25-27 May 2021.
B79. E.V. Liakos, E. Evgenidou, A.C. Mitropoulos, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Graphene oxide from agricultural peels as adsorbent material for the removal of pharmaceutical compounds from simulated wastewaters”, International Conference on Water and Energy ICWE’21, Chlef, Algeria, 25-27 May 2021.
B78. E.V. Liakos, E. Evgenidou, A.C. Mitropoulos, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Molecular Imprinted Polymers as selective adsorbent materials for binding of diclofenac and venlafaxine pharmaceutical compounds from simulated wastewaters”, International Conference on Water and Energy ICWE’21, Chlef, Algeria, 25-27 May 2021.
B77. N. Malesic Elefheriadou, E. Evgenidou, M. Lazaridou, D.N. Bikiaris, X. Yang, G.Z. Kyzas, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Simultaneous removal of anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical compounds from an aqueous mixture with adsorption onto chitosan zwitterionic derivative”, 4th Chemistry Conference of PostGraduate and UnderGraduate students of Aristole University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-21 March 2021.
B76. N.-M. Ainali, A. Kontogiannis, D. Kalaronis, E. Evgenidou, M. Papageorgiou, K. Christodoulou, I. Lioumbas, G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Microplastics determination in treated wastewaters with the techniques of microscopy and pyrolyis-GC/MS”, 1st Virtual Conference of Young Researchers “Mineral Resources -Environment-Chemical Engineering”, Kozani, Greece, 26-28 February 2021.
B75. E.V. Liakos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Preparation of higly specific surface area activated carbons from agricultural wastes and lignite”, 1st GREENERING International Conference, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 15-16 February 2021.
B74. R. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Kokkinos, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Valorisation of banana solid residues (peels) for preparation of activated carbon”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B73. R. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Kokkinos, A.C. Mitropoulos, “The effect of a rotational field on the adsorption of CO2 onto activated carbon from agricultural wastes”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B72. E. Ioannidou, D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterization of photocatalytic materials from graphene oxide/TiO2”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B71. E. Ioannidou, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterzation of photocatalytic materials from graphene oxide/TiO2/MnO2”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B70. E.V. Liakos, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterization of activated carbon from table sugar”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B69. E.V. Liakos, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Valorisation of solid mined lignite for preparation of activated carbon”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B68. E.V. Liakos, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Activated carbon from sugar and various agricultural wastes as adsorbent material for the removal of pharmaceutical compound from aqueous solution”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B67. N. Malesic Elefheriadou, E. Evgenidou, M. Lazaridou, S.Nanaki, D. Bikiaris, G.Z. Kyzas, D.A. Lambropoulou, “New floating chitosan nanocomposite material for the removal of a mixture of anti-inflammatory drugs from water samples”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B66. L.-A. Koronaiou, E. Liakos, S. Petromelidou, G.Z. Kyzas, E. Evgenidou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Development of dispersive solid phase extraction method using new activated carbon biomaterials for determination of antidepressants in waters”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B65. E. Meez, G.Z. Kyzas, “Oil-spills cleaning by using Aloe vera”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B64. D.G. Trikkaliotis, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis and characterization of modified polymeric materials for the removal of copper ions from aqueous solutions”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B63. A. Ntounas, G.Z. Kyzas, “Selective binding and recovery of environmental pollutants from industrial wastewaters with Molecular Imprinting”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B62. P. Lioliou, G.Z. Kyzas, “Comparative study of winery wastes treatment in Greece and Europe”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-01 November 2020.
B61. G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Adsorbent materials: From selective- to super- and nano- materials”, EuroSciCon Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology: Current Innovations and Advancements in Nanotechnology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 21-22 February 2020.
B60. G.Z. Kyzas, “Materials for environmental applications”, 1st Internal Conference on Research and Innovation of the International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece, 31-02 February 2020.
B59. O.N. Makrogianni, S.S. Zantiras, A.N. Papadopoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Lignocellulosic materials for oil-spills clean-up”, 5th distance education e-learning Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management (WWSS19), Patras, Greece, 22-27 July 2019.
B58. E.V. Liakos, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Carbon microspheres from agricultural wastes”, 6th International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems, Corfu, Greece, 30-03 July 2019.
B57. G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “The effect of nanobubbles on heavy metal ions adsorption by activated carbon”, 6th International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems, Corfu, Greece, 30-03 July 2019.
B56. G.Z. Kyzas, “Adsorbent materials of next generation”, 8th World Congress on Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, Frankfurt, Germany, 22-23 October 2018.
B55. A. Koltsakidou, Z. Terzopoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Biobased poly(ethylene furanoete/TIO2 supported nanocompoistes as effective photocatalysts for anti-inflammatory/analgetic pollutant drugs”, 5th International Conference on Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment plants, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 August 2018.
B54. C. Berberidou, G.Z. Kyzas, I. Poulios, “Photocatalytic removal of pesticides in water by TiO2/Graphene oxide composites”, 5th International Conference on Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment plants, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 August 2018.
B53. E.V. Liakos, A.C. Mitropoulos, G.Z. Kyzas, “Carbon nanotubes and multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes for aerospace engineering”, 15th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN18), Thessaloniki, Greece, 03-06 July 2018.
B52. G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Graphene sponges for oil removal”, 7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Prague, Czech Republic, 02-05 July 2018.
Β51. G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Zero-cost agricultural wastes as sources for activated carbons synthesis: lead ions removal from wastewaters”, 3rd EWaS (Efficient Water Systems) International Conference on “Insights on the Water - Energy - Food Nexus”, Lefkada, Greece, 27-30 June 2018.
B50. M. Papageorgiou, S.G. Nanaki, G.Z. Kyzas, C. Koulouktsi, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Solid-phase microextraction with modified polymeric carrageenans for the determination of pharmaceutical compounds”, 7th National Conference of Metrology (Metrology 2018), Athens, Greece, 11-12 May 2018.
B49. G.Z. Kyzas, R. Kosheleva, K. Kiourtzidis, E. Bibaj, K. Lysigaki, A. Rodana, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Graphenes as potential oil-spill cleaners”, 14th International Conference on Nanosciences και Nanotechnologies (NN17), Thessaloniki, Greece, 04-07 July 2017.
B48. G.Z. Kyzas, R. Kosheleva, K. Kiourtzidis, E. Bibaj, K. Lysigaki, A. Rodana, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Setting-up a materials science laboratory”, 6th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2017), Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-30 June 2017.
B47. G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Green activated carbons for mercury removal”, 5th International Conference on Green Chemistry and Technology, Rome, Italy, 24-26 June 2017.
B46. G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Banana waste residues for environmental applications”, 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Athens, Greece, 21-24 June 2017.
B45. R.I. Kosheleva, G.Z. Kyzas, E.P. Favvas, T.D. Karapantsios, M. Kostoglou, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Comparison of adsorption properties of two different activated carbons for liquid and gas adsorbates”, 11th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-27 May 2017.
B44. S.G. Nanaki, G.Z. Kyzas, M. Papageorgiou, C. Kouloktsi, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Isocyanate-functionalized carrageenans as absorbents for the removal of Carbamazepine and Diclofenac from aqueous solutions”, 13th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, Mykonos island, Greece, 03-07 July 2016.
B43. M. Papageorgiou, Z. Terzopoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Solid-phase microextraction with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the selective determination of Abacavir in environmental and biological matrices”, 6th National Conference of Metrology (Metrology 2016), Athens, Greece, 15-16 May 2016.
B42. D.A. Lambropoulou, G.Z. Kyzas, A. Koltsakidou, S.G. Nanaki, D.N. Bikiaris, “Removal of beta-blockers from aqueous media by adsorption onto graphene oxide”, 4th European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes, Athens, Greece, 21-24 October 2015.
B41. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, “Selective removal of silver ions from synthetic mining effluents using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs)”, 31st Panhellenic Conference on Solid-State Physics and Materials Science, Athens, Greece, 20-23 September 2015.
B40. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, “Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) for recovery of resveratrol from winery effluents”, International Conference “Industrial Waste και Wastewater Treatment και Valorisation”, Athens, Greece, 21-23 May 2015.
B39. D.A. Lambropoulou, S.G. Nanaki, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, P. Siafaka, “Effectively designed molecularly imprinted polymers for selective isolation of the antifungal drug fluconazole”, 4th International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, Riva del Garda, Italy, 20-22 May 2015.
B38. A. Koltsakidou, G.Z. Kyzas, S.G. Nanaki , M. Papageorgiou, M. Kechagia, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Highly selective molecularly imprinted polymer as a dispersive solid-phase extraction sorbent for determination of the antidiabetic drug metformin from aqueous media”, 12th International Conference Greece-Cyprus, Thessaloniki, Greece, 08-10 May 2015.
B37. Z. Terzopoulou, M. Papageorgiou, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lampropoulou, “Molecularly imprinted polymer-based solid phase microextraction fibers for the selective separation and enrichment of the antiviral drug Abacavir from aqueous matrices”, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 3-7 May 2015.
B36. S.G. Nanaki, G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Effectively designed Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for selective isolation of the drug Metformin”, 10th Hellenic Polymer Society Conference, Patras, Greece, 04-06 December 2014.
B35. G.Z. Kyzas, P.I. Siafaka, E.G. Pavlidou, K.J. Chryssafis, D.N. Bikiaris, “Simultaneous adsorption of basic dye and heavy metal onto succinyl-grafted chitosan from wastewaters”, 10th Hellenic Polymer Society Conference, Patras, Greece, 04-06 December 2014.
B34. M.M. Laimou-Geraniou, G.Z. Kyzas, S.G. Nanaki, A.I. Koltsakidou, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Removal of Trimethoprim as organic micropollutant in aqueous matrices using modified chitosan super-adsorbent beads”, 8th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment, Ioannina, Greece, 18-21 September 2014.
B33. A.C. Tzereme, S.G. Nanaki, G.Z. Kyzas, M. Papageorgiou, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Adsorption of Metropolol tartrate onto iota-Carrageenan modified by glutaraldheyde matrix and prepared by spray-drying”, 8th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment, Ioannina, Greece, 18-21 September 2014.
B32. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, “Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the selective removal of ibuprofen from biomedical wastewaters”, 8th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment, Ioannina, Greece, 18-21 September 2014.
B31. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “The effect of humic acid on the removal of pharmaceuticals from aqueous solutions”, The 17th Meeting of Humic Substances Society, Ioannina, Greece, 01-05 September 2014.
B30. G.Z. Kyzas, M. Kechagia, D.N. Bikiaris, D.A. Lambropoulou, “Selective isolation and determination of Guanylurea in aqueous matrices using Molecular Imprinting Technique”, 16th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2014), Chania, Greece, 25-28 May 2014.
B29. E.T. Lakkovikiotis, G.Z. Kyzas, E.A. Deliyanni, K.A. Matis, “Hyrdothermally prepared biochars from potato peels. Activation of biochars with phosphoric acid for use as sorbents for cobalt removal from wastewaters”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 “SSS9.8 Novel sorbent materials for Environmental remediation”, Vienna, Austria 27-02 May 2014.
B28. G.Z. Kyzas, E.A. Deliyanni, N.K. Lazaridis, “Treatment of aqueous dyeing solutions with magnetic activated carbons”, 5th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-16 March 2014.
B27. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, “Phenols removal from wastewaters using (N-succinyl)grafted chitosan”, 3rd ScienceOne International Conference on Environmental Sciences (ICES2014), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-23 January 2014.
B26. G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, D.N. Bikiaris, “β-Cyclodextrin Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (β-CyD MIPs) for dye binding”, 29th Panhellenic Conference on Solid-State Physics and Materials Science, Athens, Greece, 22-25 September 2013.
B25. G.Z. Kyzas, E.A. Deliyanni, “Hydrothermally prepared biochars from potato and potato peels as green approach: The effect of activation route on drug adsorption capacity”, International Conference of Physical Chemistry - ROMPHYSCHEM 15, Bucharest, Romania, 11-13 September 2013.
B24. G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, M. Kostoglou, “Detailed desorption study of dye molecule from polymeric material: Effect of pH, temperature, contact time and initial concetartion”, International Conference of Physical Chemistry - ROMPHYSCHEM 15, Bucharest, Romania, 11-13 September 2013.
B23. O.G. Kiteri, G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, E.A. Deliyanni, “Removal of pharmaceutical pollutants with raw and oxidized forms of activated carbon”, 1st International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition (PPM 2013), Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, 03-06 September 2013.
B22. G.Z. Kyzas, N.A. Travlou, E.A. Deliyanni, “Removal of mercury from aqueous solutions using composite nanomaterials of graphite oxide with chitosan and magnetic chitosan”, 1st International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition (PPM 2013), Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, 03-06 September 2013.
B21. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, E.A. Deliyanni, “Nanocomposite material of graphene oxide and carboxyl-grafted chitosan: Potential drug removal application”, 10th International Conference on Nanosciences και Nanotechnologies (NN13), Thessaloniki, Greece, 09-12 July 2013.
B20. G.Z. Kyzas, N.A. Travlou, E.A. Deliyanni, “Mercury adsorption onto magnetic chitosan”, 23rd International Scientific Conference, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 06-07 June 2013.
B19. G.Z. Kyzas, N.A. Travlou, E.A. Deliyanni, “Dye removal from effluents with magnetic graphene oxide”, 23rd International Scientific Conference, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 06-07 June 2013.
B18. G.Z. Kyzas, N.A. Travlou, K.A. Matis, E.A. Deliyanni, “On the kinetics and thermodynamics of mercury(II) removal from aqueous solutions with magnetic graphene oxide and magnetic chitosan”, 9th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering, Athens, Greece, 23-25 May 2013.
B17. G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, M. Kostoglou, “Competitive adsorption of dye molecule and heavy metal ion onto polymeric materials”, 9th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering, Athens, Greece, 23-25 May 2013.
B16. N.A. Travlou, E.N. Deliyanni, G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, “Composites of graphite oxide with chitosan and magnetic chitosan: Preparation and characterization”, 9th Hellenic Polymer Society Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29-01 December 2012.
B15. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, N.K. Lazaridis, M. Kostoglou, “Diffusivity and kinetic aspects for the adsorption of pollutants onto polymeric materials”, 9th Hellenic Polymer Society Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29-01 December 2012.
Β14. G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, M. Kostoglou, D.N. Bikiaris, “Ecological impact of the reuse of coffee wastes on decolorization of industrial dyeing wastewaters”, International Conference “Ecology - Interdisciplinary Science and Practice”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 25-26 October 2012.
Β13. N.A. Travlou, E.A. Deliyanni, N.K. Lazaridis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Synthesis, characterization and adsorptive evaluation of chitosan/graphite oxide composite for dye removal”, 3rd International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment, Health and Development, Skiathos, Greece, 03-05 October 2012.
Β12. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, M. Kostoglou, N.K. Lazaridis, “Copper removal from aqueous systems with coffee wastes as low-cost materials”, 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET 2012), Rome, Italy, 23 – 27 September 2012.
Β11. G.Z. Kyzas, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Low-cost removal of heavy metals from wastewaters with commercial coffee residues”, 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management “Crete 2012”, Chania, Greece, 12-14 September 2012.
Β10. N.A. Travlou, E.N. Deliyanni, N.K. Lazaridis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Study of the preparation of magnetic chitosan and its application for the removal of dye Reactive Black 5 from aqueous solutions”, 1st Environmental Conference of Thessaly, Skiathos, Greece, 08-10 September 2012.
B09. G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, S. Mamalis, A.C. Mitropoulos, “Coffee residues as low-cost adsorbents for the removal of Ni(II) from aqueous solutions”, 1st Environmental Conference of Thessaly, Skiathos, Greece, 08-10 September 2012.
B08. N.A. Travlou, E.A. Deliyanni, N.K. Lazaridis, G.Z. Kyzas, “Comparative study of dye removal from aqueous solutions using chitosan and graphite oxide as adsorbents”, 3rd Conference of Intra-University Network “ΑΡΥς” (Development of sorptive materials), Patras, Greece, 22-23 June 2012.
B07. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, N.K. Lazaridis, “Decolorization of industrial effluents with polymeric adsorbents – An approach without the equalization step”, IWA Regional Conference of Wastewater Purification and Reuse (WWPR12), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 28-30 March 2012.
B06. G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, “Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) of chitosan as selective sorbents for environmental pollutants”, 21th Panhellenic Conference of Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 09-12 December 2011.
B05. G.Z. Kyzas, E.K. Dafnopatidou, D.N. Bikiaris, N.K. Lazaridis, “Removal of dyes from aqueous systems by flotation and adsorption techniques”, 4th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-20 March 2011.
B04. G.Z. Kyzas, N.K. Lazaridis, “Dyes removal from simulated textile effluents by chitosan sorbents”, 11th International Conference of Environmental Science and Technology, Chania, Crete, Greece, 03-05 September 2009.
B03. G.Z. Kyzas, D.N. Bikiaris, N.K. Lazaridis, “Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) as selective sorbents in trichromatic dye mixtures”, 7th Panhellenic Polymer Conference, Ioannina, Greece, 28-01 October 2008.
B02. N.K. Lazaridis, G.Z. Kyzas, A.A. Vassiliou, D.N. Bikiaris, “Removal of organic and inorganic pollutants from aqueous solutions by sorption onto modified chitosan”, 9th International Conference Greece-Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 27-30 April 2007.
B01. N.K. Lazaridis, G.Z. Kyzas, A.A. Vassiliou, D.N. Bikiaris, “Dyes removal from aqueous solutions onto chitosan derivatives”, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2006), Chania, Crete, Greece, 27-01 November 2006.